
quinta-feira, 30 de julho de 2009

quarta-feira, 29 de julho de 2009


domingo, 26 de julho de 2009

Under Waters

Can't get no...

sexta-feira, 24 de julho de 2009

"As I've heard from hell"

segunda-feira, 20 de julho de 2009

domingo, 19 de julho de 2009

Teenage moods

Her catlike smooth voice made my night.
How could she be so humble with such a gift?
For today, I feel like a teen with butterflies on the stomach just to remember that we looked each other in the eyes. An "obrigado" never was so intense and astonishing, couldn't articulate any other word then an stupid "de nada".

How ridiculous is this? I don't mind.
I had to remember that there is a few people doing wonderful things.
This is what makes part of humanity worthy.

How powerful is to see people who was born to do something actually doing it?!
Some kind of heart to heart communication was established while we listen to her voice. So strong that could hurt, but it doesn't, it is a way to feel alive.

It made me believe that the world can only be saved by Artists, but, in fact, there are not many of that kind.

Thanks, Chan!

The greatest... who wouldn't wanna be?

Once I wanted to be the greatest
No wind or waterfall could stop me
And then came the rush of the flood
The stars at night turned you to dust
Melt me down
To big black armour
Leave no trace
Of grace
Just in your honor
Lower me down
That corporate slob
Make a watch
For a space in town
For the lack of the drugs
My faith had been sleeping
Lower me down
In the end
Secure the grounds
For the later parade

Once I wanted to be the greatest
Two faced, sad little rock
When things I couldn't explain
Any feelings
Lower me down
In the end
Secure the grounds
For the lack of the drugs
My faith had been sleeping
For the later parade

Once I wanted to be the greatest
No wind or water fall could stop me
And then came the rush of the flood
The stars at night turned you to dust

quinta-feira, 16 de julho de 2009


"Dizem os mestres que a força do céu ancora-se na terra pelos joelhos…

Os joelhos também têm como símbolo os labirintos, que são corpos de onda denominados prana sahrira..

O labirinto- sendo o corpo humano um grande labirinto que contém o universo, o micro e o macrocosmos, e sendo a causa primordial da grande obra, o labirinto em toda a história da humanidade é associado à memória ancestral em sua forma espiral. O labirinto representa também os caminhos tortuosos de nossos mecanismos psicológicos de defesa onde o centro do labirinto seria o nosso Eu.

O labirinto é considerado o paralelo da vida humana, onde o homem tem que escolher em cada momento de sua vida o seu caminho. Encontrando-o, ele encontra a sua porta de saída, a sua verdade interior.

Também simboliza , a peregrinação-o nó de Salomão - e o inconsciente."

sexta-feira, 10 de julho de 2009

"I'm not sorry... it's human nature..."

"I'm not your bitch dont hang your shit on me..."

quinta-feira, 9 de julho de 2009

Joelho ressonante

Quanta coisa pra fazer essa mecânica funcionar!
Onde se religa os ligamentos?
Dale cartilagem de tubarão.

terça-feira, 7 de julho de 2009

We are all born mad. Why not remain so?

by Lunatik

Hey! Feel free Mr, now this is a space for you too, take off your shoes, look at the moon... and howl!!

How long do I know you to know that I don't?

In search of Pai Mei

I'm fed up with egocentric plagiarism!
Bring on the Black Mamba!

Chinezinho, me ensina?

Xuxuxu, xuxuxu, xuxuxuxuxuxuxubi town

quinta-feira, 2 de julho de 2009

You and Me and the Devil Makes Three...

HEY! HEY!! There is no rules today!!

The owl owns me

I wanna bite ya
